Dreaming of ice, while sitting in self-isolation, preparing to embark on my next research mission. Originally I had planned to stay on Svalbard for two months, now it ended up being four months. Months fully packed with loads of work and staggering experiences. Experiences that are thought-provoking. Like up at Austfonna, the biggest ice mass on Svalbard, where a more than 200 km long ice cliff streches into the ocean. The entire horizon up there is just seemingly perpetual ice. Yet on closer look, there is water shooting down the ice everywhere. The view from the air at the glacier surface reveals this even more. Water, everywhere water. The scale of things over there is just mind-blowing. It is hard to imagine how much water must be running down into the ocean here everyday and how much melting ice this means. And compared to Antarctica, this is still a tiny glacier. There is still so much to learn and explore. One day…