That was it. Our last field day. And the lake is still going up strongly. We did more water sampling at the glacier front and at the lake. Took down our GPSes and the pressure loggers that were not under water. Downloaded all timelapse camera data, swapped batteries and prepared for the backup plan where some of the equipment stays up there and is somehow recovered later during summer/ autumn. Magic always happens, or so. Our last shaddy crevasse jumps. Was about time for it, as the crevasses became wider and wider each day. On the way home we cleaned up all radio gateways along the beach. To our surprise we found 4 more of our wooden dummies, which we dropped into the glacier about 1.5 weeks ago, washed up along the beach close to the gateway. Now we found 7 out of 17. Not so bad any longer. Just no trace from the actual measurement devices themselves. They will probably end up being washed on one of the beaches along the west coast of Svalbard once the lake finally drains. Whenever that will be. Keep your eyes open for funny looking green tubes.